Over 5000 downloads for CurveExpert Professional

Over 5000 downloads for CurveExpert Professional

Since its introduction in January of 2011, CurveExpert Pro has been downloaded from this website (to a unique IP) over 5000 times.  This, of course, does not count additional downloads from third party software download sites such as http://download.com or http://softpedia.com, each of which report a substantial number of downloads for CurveExpert Pro.

In terms of percentages, 93% of the downloads have been for the Windows platform, 5% for OSX, and the other 2% for Linux.

If you are one of those who has downloaded, we hope that you find the software useful, and that it is worth the small purchasing cost.  For those who have not yet downloaded, we encourage you to try the software and discover its usefulness to your or your organization.

For those who have already purchased CurveExpert Professional, thanks for your support!  Your financial support pays for thousands of hours spend in software development, as well as ensuring the continual development of this great product.

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