Support for the Mac likely to be discontinued

Support for the Mac likely to be discontinued

UPDATE:  As of now, we are going to continue support, and  see what happens.  The hope is that users that are interested in CurveExpert and/or GraphExpert are more technically oriented than the average user, and will not be deterred by the Gatekeeper warnings.  At least that's the thought as of now...

It has always been our intention to offer CurveExpert Pro and the upcoming GraphExpert Pro across Windows, OSX, and Linux platforms.  Doing so has been an enormous amount of work, but while the effort has been successful from a technical point of view, it has not been successful from a business point of view.  Only 1% of CurveExpert Pro sales thus far have been for the Mac.

Now, Apple introduces Gatekeeper, in which we as developers are forced to pay to join the Apple Developer Network in order to get our apps signed by Apple.  And that signing can be revoked at any time, supposedly for any reason.  How many users will install CurveExpert Pro or GraphExpert Pro when they are greeted with this?

The above dialog is from a developer build of OSX Mountain Lion, and the wording will likely (and probably has already) changed.  While some users will have the savvy to change their Gatekeeper settings, most will stop here and not install, regardless of the actual wording of the dialog; they will defer to Apple's "supposed expertise" and not dare to do something that Apple is recommending against.

So at this point, we are leaning heavily toward cutting our losses with the OSX operating system.  We fully expect that their exertion of control over applications installed on OSX is just an intermediate step toward the full "walled garden" approach (refer to IOS), in which applications are only available via the Mac App Store, with Apple taking their requisite cut from any application sold via that channel.

Even if we paid Apple for the privilege of signing our applications now, it is very likely that Apple would force the App Store later; the chance that we would go along with that approach is exceedingly low.  So at that point, effort has been wasted in the support of OSX in the interim, with the same final result.

We do realize that there are different points of view on this subject, so we invite comments from you, the user.  We want to make this decision in a carefully considered manner.  You can comment on this topic here:


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